We are happy to announce a new and extended version of our pore-scale modelling course which will be held in Kazan, Russia in December 2018. Мы рады сообщить о новой и расширенной версии курса по моделированию в масштабе пор. Он будет проходить в Казани в декабре 2018 года в течении рабочей недели. Это позволит детально разобрать все […]
Author: admin
GRC Flow and Transport in Porous Media 2018
The members of FaT iMP group visited key conference for everybody dealing with flow in porous media: GRC Flow and Transport in Porous Media 2018. As usual it was very stimulating! We are indebted to conference’s Chair Prof. Ruben Juanes for the help with all necessary paper work. Члены нашей группы посетили ключевую конференцию для […]
New pore-scale modelling course
Fat iMP group run a pore-scale modelling course «Pore-scale modelling: from structure to physical propeties» at GeoEurasia-2018 conference on 8th of February. The whole day even accumulated more than 20 participants mainly representing leading Russian oil&gas companies. During lectures and practical computer labs they learned about the pillars of pore-scale modelling: 3D image processing and […]
Soil structure fusion paper
The paper on multiscale image fusion got published with Geoderma: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0016706117311394 Here we apply the methodology to X-ray macro and coarse/fine micro tomography. In addition to getting some nice results, we also discuss current pros and cons of the technique and where to go next in the future work. The publication was acknowledged in numerous […]
FDMSS software goes online
FDMSS software, its Manual and benchmarking sphere packigns are finally available on the software’s page! You can find them here — https://porenetwork.com/download/fdmss/. In the nearest future we hope to add video tutorials on how to utilize FDMSS package for flow simulations and post-processing results for cool visual representations.
GeoEurasia 2018 conference
Fat iMP group is taking an active participaton in GeoEurasia 2018 conference in Moscow, Russia — https://www.gece.moscow/. On 6th of February Marina Karsanina will lead Petrophysical Modelling poster session. Efim Lavrukhin, Kirill Gerke and Marina Karsanina will present major research developments on 7th of Feb. On the 8th there will be a lecture and hands-on full […]